This past weekend I finally got to see Lissie at one of my favorite venues Lincoln Hall. I found out about Lissie about a year ago. A friend sent me a link to her covering Kid Cudi Pursuit of Happiness. I was blown away by her take of one of my favorite songs, as I was watching the video a coworker came by and said "Hey that's Dave's (another coworker) niece." So there is was, I went over and asked him to score me a little time with her before her show for a quick portrait. Next, I waited about six months for her to play Chicago, with everything arranged, ready to roll, Lissie came down with strep and wasn't able to preform. So I waited again. About 5 months later she came back to Lincoln Hall and we picked up where we left off. I must say it was worth the wait. Lissie has one of the best voices I have ever heard live. She hits notes and holds them perfectly for as long as she wants. Really an amazing show. Check her out if you can. Up top is a shot from backstage, down below a shot from side stage and the video that made me want to shoot her in the first place.

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